Saturday, 14 May 2016


 A mitochondria(in red)are the power house of a living cell

    Wow the text books are about to be rewritten, as a complex cell that survives without mitochondria have been discovered.
               All eukaryotic cells contain a nucleus and little organelles — and one of the most famous was the mitochondrion. "They were considered to be absolutely indispensable components of the eukaryotic cell and the hallmark of the eukaryotic cell," says Anna Karnkowska, a researcher in evolutionary biology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver Mitochondria have their own DNA, and scientists believe they were once free-living bacteria that got engulfed by primitive, ancient cells that were evolving to become the complex life forms we know and love today.

          For decades, researchers have tried to find eukaryotic cells that don't have mitochondria — and for a  while they thought they'd found some. After she and her colleagues sequenced the gut microbe's genome, however, they found no trace that it made any mitochondrial proteins at all. "So that's a great surprise for us," she says. "That should theoretically kill the cell — it shouldn't exist."

       What they learned is that instead of relying on mitochondria to assemble iron-sulfur clusters, these cells use a different kind of machinery. And it looks like they acquired it from bacteria.
The researchers say this is the first example of any eukaryote that completely lacks mitochondria.
"This is not the missing link of eukaryotic evolution," agrees ,MarkVanDerGiezen a researcher in evolutionary biochemistry at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom.
Still, he says, it is an example of how flexible life is.
"It lives in an area without oxygen and therefore can get rid of a lot of biochemistry that you and I would need in our cells to survive," says Van Der Giezen. "This organism managed to adapt in such a way that it could lose an organelle, which every textbook will tell you is an essential feature of eukaryotes. That's pretty amazing. It shows you that life is extremely creative in finding a way to eke out an existence."

      The way nature works if you ask me lol !


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