Space Travel !
Mike McCulloch, from Plymouth
University in the U.K.shared a theory that aims to explain how this
physics-breaking mode of travel could
work in reality. And his theory has got followers of the idea excited.
As you know an EmDrive could allow us to explore our
universe in ways that, today, we can only dream about. The way it works is, you
bounce microwaves back and forth inside a truncated cone, and the result
will be a thrust toward the narrow end of the cone.
Yeah I know it sounds simple but
that’s the basic idea behind it. After all, you are just converting kinetic
energy into another form of energy.
The deal here is the total momentum increases as the device begins
to move. That is like placing yourself inside a box, pushing on one side, and generating thrust. You might think this sounds too far fetched Well, here is something else, To date, a
number of teams around the world have built their own versions of
the EmDrive.The problem is we don’t know where this increased momentum comes from. Critics assert that this is a violation of a fundamental law of physics(conservation of momentum). Moreover, scientists assert that this could be connected to other effects which in essence,would be producing a false positive and generating this increased thrust.
To that end, a host of scientists have been trying to work out if this is a true effects or just something else.
A New idea
In short, the new theory is based on ideas regarding inertia and the way objects move under very small accelerations. It has to do with something called “the Unruh effect.” This asserts that an accelerating object experiences black body radiation, meaning that the universe warms up when you accelerate. And in this regard, according to McCulloch, inertia is the pressure the Unruh radiation exerts on an accelerating body.As MIT notes“at very small accelerations, the wavelengths of Unruh radiation become so large they can no longer fit in the observable universe. When this happens, inertia can take only certain whole-wavelength values and so jumps from one value to the next. In other words, inertia must quantized at small accelerations.”
Thus, the inertia of photons that are inside of the aforementioned truncated cone have to change as they bounce back and forth. And to conserve momentum, this must generate a thrust.
In an email interview, RIT astrophysicist Brian Koberlein summarizes:
The Unruh effect (basically) says that an accelerated object should see a thermal background due to background quantum fluctuations. The calculation of the Unruh effect is straightforward, and isn’t controversial. Unruh radiation is (basically) the idea that in the detection of this thermal background you can trigger the emission of real particles. In other words, can you create real radiation ‘out of the vacuum.’ So they are claiming Unruh radiation is real, and causing the EM effect.
So, this might be it wait OR not .
In the end, there are a number of ways that individuals have attempted to explain EmDrive, and to date, none of them have been shown to provide a conclusive answer. And while MuCulloch’s idea is based upon long established theoretical ideas, he applies the ideas is rather unconventional (and controversial) ways.
Koberlein notes that the work, in itself, is certainly valuable, stating, “they are trying to fit the results to a model, and looking for testable predictions, both of which are great.” However, he clarifies, saying that we need to maintain a healthy dose of skepticism.
In relation to the idea that the Unruh effect is responsible for inertia, he asserts, “the quantized inertia idea at least makes some predictions that can be tested, so that’s not bad;” however, this does not mean that it is responsible for the thrust that is seen in relation to the EmDrive. He continues, “the idea that the EM effect can account for the flyby anomaly is weak tea. To begin with, just because it can be made to fit under certain assumptions, it isn’t the same as predicting an effect. Secondly, there are lots of proposed explanations for the flyby effect, most of which are more mundane and don’t require exotic physics such as radio chirps.
In all we wait for a new age of scientific advancement and this might be it .
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